How To

Azure Policy: Starter Guide

My coworkers and teammates often reach out to me with similar questions regarding the best practices for creating and applying Azure Policy. That tendency encouraged me to compile this starter guide for Azure Policy, which is based on my practical experience in multiple projects.

How I run my blog

Recently, I got a few questions from my friends and colleagues about my blog. Specifically, about its internals. Not to repeat myself, answering the same questions over and over, here I am going to share the technical details on that.

How to sign your commits with GPG, Git and YubiKey

Last week I finally managed to get my hands on a YubiKey 5 NFC I ordered last Christmas and configured it to use for signing my commits on GitHub. By signing your commits, you can let other people know that the changes come from a trusted source if, of course, people trust your digital identity.


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